Written for the final assignment in Theology of the Body
The Sassenach, The Scot, and The Law
Written for the midterm assignment in Theology of the Body
The Sassenach, The Scot, and The Law: Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble in dialogue with Diana Galbadon’s Outlander
Testing the Limits of Tolerance
Written for Feminist Ethics
Testing the Limits of Tolerance: A critique of the practice of circumcision on infants of any sex.
The Rebel Jesus: A Christology in Music
The Rebel Jesus: A Christology in Music: A paper in which I describe how my personal Christology was formed by my deep connection to music and my family’s musical community.
The Vision of God in the Cathedral of the World
Written as the final assignment for Mysticisms East and West
The Vision of God in the Cathedral of the World: Nicholas of Cusa in Dialogue with Forrest Church
Cloudy with a Chance of Creativity
Cloudy with a Chance of Creativity: This curriculum uses the film Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs to introduce process thought to people otherwise intimidated by the philosophical writings of Alfred North Whitehead.
Kaur Formation in the Shadow of the Mouse
Kaur Formation in the Shadow of the Mouse: In Sikhism, many women are given the surname “Kaur,” which translates as “princess.” This paper examines the effect of the Western concept of princess, dominated by the Disney corporation, on the Sikh diaspora and the 3HO community.
I Will Live In Her House, Forever
“I Will Live In Her House, Forever”: This was the midterm assignment for the class Mysticisms East and West. We had to create a work of art, in my case three short films, and then write a paper analyzing our work in the context of the class. Please watch the three films in order before reading the paper.
I Will Live In Her House, Forever
This was the midterm assignment for the class Mysticisms East and West. We had to create a work of art, in my case three short films, and then write a paper analyzing our work in the context of the class. Please watch the three films in order before reading the analysis paper.