This is the Call to Worship I wrote for our Frozen-themed, multigenerational Flower Communion at First UU Nashville on April 10th, 2016.

We gather this morning in worship, one congregation made from many lives, holding each other in joys and in sorrows.
We gather to celebrate our differences, to learn from each other, to live into the promise that we are better together.
We gather to create community that sustains itself by using the power of love and understanding, both in times of conflict and in times of peace.
We gather this morning into a story of a relationship between two sisters, broken apart by fear and misunderstanding, and how they came together again by hearing, seeing, being with each other; how they came to let go of the burdens unfairly placed on them by the mistakes of others.
We gather this morning, so that we may always remember — even when we hide ourselves away behind a door, there will always be someone who loves us knocking on the other side, calling us back to our best selves.
Welcome to this sacred time in this gathered community.