Spiritual Care: Case Study Analysis: Due to confidentiality, this is the only sample from my Spiritual Care and Counseling training that I can include in my portfolio because it is based on a fictional scenario.
Joan of Arc: Teenage Prophet and Abandoned Youth
Joan of Arc: Teenage Prophet and Abandoned Youth: A paper using Joan of Arc to recognize the prophetic potential of our High School Youth.
Making Beautiful Music Together
Written for the midterm assignment in Introduction to the New Testament in Context
Making Beautiful Music Together: An Exploration of Agape in 1 Corinthians 13
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Miriam?
Written for the final assignment in Introduction to the Hebrew Bible in Context
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Miriam?: An Exegesis of Numbers 12
Preaching Abundant Heresies
Written for the midterm assignment in History of World Christianities
Preaching Abundant Heresies: Examining Theodore Parker’s Role in the Transcendentalist Movement