Meghann has been a wonderful collaborative partner in our work. Our UUA Pacific South West District Camping Ministries holds to create an evolving, safe, and affirming community and it is maintained because of Meghann Robern’s insightfulness, knowledge, and desire to build sacred connections and transformative experiences for our community. This is the hope and intention that I have witnessed in Meghann while working with her at camp, and one that I believe she carries with her wherever she goes.
Danielle Bell
Former Dirctor
- UUA PSWD Camping Ministries
In your interview, the Committee saw a minister who is self-aware, relational, committed, endearing, pastoral, considerate, open and poised, with integrated knowledge and intelligence. They appreciated your ability to be present and vulnerable, as well as your great eye contact, warmth and compassion. Your panel could see that you clearly understand the complexity of ministry!
The Rev. Sarah K. Lammert
Executive Secretary
- UUA Ministerial Fellowship Committee
I have been evaluating ministers for a generation, and I can happily say that I do not have significant reservations about Meghann Robern’s suitability for ministry. I think a congregation would be lucky to have her there.
The Rev. Dr. Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty; Professor of Practical Theology and Religious Education
- Claremont School of Theology
Meghann is a powerful presence that I have seen many appreciate, during Sunday worship, with our youth, with the inmates who are part of our prison ministry, and more. She draws people in, if they’re not clapping yet, she gets them to clap, if they’re not singing yet, she gets them to sing, if they’re not dancing yet, she gets them to dance. Meghann creates a space where people feel both encouraged and safe to be fully themselves.
Marguerite Mills
Director of Lifespan Religious Education
- First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville
Supremely gifted in the performative arts of ministry, warm and available as a pastoral presence, eager to be of service, deeply collegial and collaborative in her approach. What’s more, I don’t know that I have ever encountered a candidate as in touch with their growing edges, or as receptive to constructive feedback as Meghann has been. She knows her considerable strengths, and she is comfortable with those pieces which require attentive care.
Jason Shelton
Assistant DIrector
- Portara Ensemble
Meghann is going to be a leader in our religion and brings boisterous energy in a positive and infectious way. She is going to be a great voice for our faith no matter what venue she is called to minister in.
The Rev. Hannah Petrie
- Unitarian Universalist Church of Studio City
Her voice is strongest and clearest when she is speaking up on behalf of those who are marginalized by society because of factors over which they have no control: their gender or race, their sexual orientation, their size, their intelligence, or their heritage. The depth of her caring about marginalizing attitudes and practices frequently moves me. She clearly has the ability to listen deeply to others, to hear what is being said (or not said) between the lines, and to offer therapeutic guidance or silent support, as the case may be.
Dr. Philip Clayton
Ingraham Professor of Theology
- Claremont School of Theology
She is smart and passionate. She is empathetic and cognizant of the struggles of others without necessarily having similar experience. She is an academician and knows curriculum and pedagogy but does not pontificate. She is serious and enthusiastic and thoroughly enjoys the subject matter of Unitarian Universalism. Meghann is engaged and excited for her connections. It is with deep sincerity that I enthusiastically recommend Meghann as a faith leader in our very important mission. Meghann Robern is the kind of minister I would like to see lead my church.
Erin Lindsay
Unitarian Universalist Lay Leader
Many who go into the ministry do so to satisfy the needs of their own personal power drive rather than a drive to bring humanity together and heal the wounds of society. The latter is a precious thing to find in a spiritual leader and when found must be nurtured and protected. Meghann Robern is such a person. I have personally witnessed her heart for social justice as she works tirelessly to raise awareness of the need for empathy and compassion in the world. Her work on theology is a breath of fresh air--intelligent, relevant, and fun to ponder. She is clearly called to be a conduit to the divine in our world today.
Dr. Dori Koehler
Adjunct Faculty
- Southern New Hampshire University