These prayers were written to go with the verses of hymn #100 in Singing the Living Tradition, “I’ve Got Peace Like a River”. The choir sang each verse in response to the spoken prayer.
In this sanctuary and beyond its walls are people working for peace in many different ways” peace within in themselves, their families, their communities, and in the world at large. May they find the support they need for this holy work.
I’ve got peace like a river…
In this sanctuary and beyond its walls are people celebrating a multitude of joys in their lives and the lives of others. We happily witness all these moments of gladness with them, living in to a community of abundance.
I’ve got joy like a fountain…
In this sanctuary and beyond its walls are people who love. And, like the ocean, love can take many forms: deep, calm, rocky, fierce – but it is always powerful. May we strive to love ourselves and each other with the power of a love that nurtures, heals, and supports.
I’ve got love like an ocean…
In this sanctuary and beyond its walls are people suffering. Their pain could be physical, emotional, mental. It whatever way they are suffering, it has taken hold, and they need support to survive it. May we always be steadfast and gentle when we witness the pain of others, and work towards caring for all in our interdependent web.
I’ve got pain like an arrow…
In this sanctuary and beyond its walls, people shed tears of both joy and sorrow. These tears are how our bodies share the deep, feelings of our hearts. They represent something within in us that is so profound, so fundamental, that it must be shared with our entire beings. May the tears of our lives always be recognized as sacred.
I’ve got tears like the raindrops…
In this sanctuary and beyond its walls, people discover strength in themselves and in others that they never thought possible. We also struggle with when we find ourselves tired, or weak, and afraid to ask for help in our times of need. May we find here in this gathered community the strength we can offer, and the strength we need.
I’ve got strength like a mountain…
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